Wednesday, January 26, 2011

let's blow some shit up

i arrive into manzanillo a bit late. it is new years after all, i was trying to make it in on new years eve. didn't happen, so i tried to make it in the morning. didn't happen. it might have if i wasn't called over to celebrate in this tiny pub in this rural village with this toothless old man. i have a hard time understanding spanish normally, so needless to say i have a hard time understanding spanish spoken by a toothless old drunk. he started pouring me some victoria from his big bottle and we drank and we drank and we drank. i could never tell if his name or that he thought my name was anthony. he kept talking about papas, as in potatoes, but the context i never figured out. he waved at everyone passing by and based on whether they cheered or ignored him he would tell me they were assholes or good people. he seemed to know everyone. one more bottle of beer and his friend who is absolutely wasted comes out as gives me a big hug. somehow i understand him way less than the toothless dude. another beer and i give anthony? a big hug and tell him i have to go. he looks kind of sad but i think that was one of the best new years day celebrations i've had yet.

i get to manzanillo and my numbers don't work. apparently mike is too stoned to know his phone number. i can empathize, it's happened to me before...i finally get his information and i meet him and his girlfriend and he tells me that the plan for tonight is to bomb the shit out of his friend's step mom's house. well fuck, of course i'm in! we pile into his house where there's this dude rigging up bombs that are used to blow fish out of the water together. apparently this step mom is a bitch and hates loud noises, so we're going to surround her house with these bombs and scare the living shit out of her...

i have a hard time imagining that a 33ish year old thought of this idea.

first order though, we get drunk and stoned as hell, then we all (about 13 of us?) pile into this minivan, and drive up this mountain. we surround this mansion and light bombs all around it so that the bombs will go of consecutively, so it's not just one big loud bang. we light them and run like hell to the minivan with the dog going crazy and car alarms going off...

apparently the step mom was so drunk she passed out and didn't hear a thing. so it goes--

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